
Identify The Characteristics Of The Disease Anemia

Qnapaya - Recognize the characteristics of anemia patients perceived is one way to enforce this blood abnormality diagnosis quickly. Anemia definition i.e. condition of decrease in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and therefore cannot carry oxygen in sufficient amounts throughout the body. Anemia itself in the world of medicine has many underlying causes, whether the abnormality is due to deficiency of certain nutrients to a host of autoimmune process in which the body of the sufferer formed antibodies that damage blood cells over her own.

For that reason in addition to knowing the characteristics of anemia that can be complained by the sufferer, you still need to do the examination to the doctor to find out what causes anemia which you suffered. In this article we are going to listen to what are the characteristics of anemia commonly complained of by the sufferer! Happy reading.

Characteristics of the Anemia that often complained of by the sufferer
Generally the symptoms of anemia that were complained by the sufferer is associated with the function of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. The symptoms complained of by any sufferer can diverse and not always the same because it is affected by the cause of each. For that let us see what are the characteristics of anemia commonly complain about!

1. Quickly tired
The characteristics of anemia the first we discuss is quickly exhausted, you certainly have heard the term 1.5 l jar to anemia sufferers. Tired, lethargic, lunglai, limp and spacey is indeed a common symptom of underlying almost all sufferers of any of the underlying cause of the anemia. The condition of fatigue and limp bodies is due to the function of red blood cells in carrying oxygen as its main ingredient metabolism of cells of our body are disturbed. The cells in the body will experience unhealthy metabolism and this resulted in fatigue.

If this condition is left continuously then anemia sufferers would be remiss and not being able to play well every day. Imagine if it is experienced by children, they could have disrupted the growth and also interference in learning because it is difficult to concentrate during the education. Pregnant women who experience less blood and leads to 1.5 l jar can also harm fetal conditions that are currently contains.

2. Pale
The characteristics of subsequent anemia is also very commonly experienced by sufferers of anemia is pale on his skin. This can be seen especially in the eyes, hands and also the fingertips of its victims, a sufferer of anemia can be serious at this stage looks very pale so that palms and fingertips which in normal people is colored reddish turned into a pale white. In some cases of anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells by antibodies on its own, the sufferer will sometimes complain of eye and part of his skin look yellow. This is caused by a product that comes from the breakdown of red blood cells that can make network becomes yellow.

3. Dizziness and headaches
Next the characteristics of anemia which also often complained of by the sufferer is headache or dizziness that occur primarily in the standing position for too long. This is due to the condition of lack of red blood cells which become the carrier of oxygen to the brain. The brain is an organ in the body that we are very sensitive to lack of oxygen, so that if the oxygen carrier (in this case: red blood cells) is reduced then the cells in our brains will give a response. One response could be given by the brain that suffered lack of oxygen is a sense of dizziness or headaches suffered by sufferers of anaemia. Vertigo and headaches is also sometimes accompanied by eyes of the berkunang-kunang.

4. Tastes or appetite decreases
The characteristics of anemia are also experienced by some of its victims is reduced appetite, it is based on the Agency's already limp condition described earlier. The condition of the body that is lethargic and easily tired make anemia sufferers appetite also decreased and may worsen the General conditions also memperberat degrees anemianya. All this happened because one type of anemia that is found in the community is a type of anemia caused by a lack of nutrients from foods such as anaemia due to iron deficiency.

5. Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is one of the complaints is quite extensive and widely experienced in daily life. Shortness of breath in the world of health indeed is not a typical symptom, because many disorders and diseases in the human body can give rise to a sense of shortness of breath itself. For example asthma, Lung infection, chronic heart disease, chronic kidney disease and even anemia can make patients experiencing shortness of breath.

Symptoms of shortness of breath that was felt by sufferers of anaemia in fact showed an already very serious stage of the disease anemia itself. As we know in people with anemia the red blood cell function in impaired oxygen transport, this will provoke the brain to increase the frequency of breathing to fullfill the needs of less oxygen. But during the transport of oxygen i.e. red blood cells remains less then a sufferer will continue experiencing shortness of breath.

6. Papil tongue shrinks, the nails and the hair easily broken spoon
The characteristics of anemia over specifics is characteristic of anemia caused by iron deficiency on the sufferer. Iron is a component of the red blood cell-forming an important and also one of the nutrients that your body needs in the process of development and repair of damaged cells in the human body. That's the reason why the condition is iron deficiency anemia sufferers experienced in addition to General complaints gives rise to less blood (weak, weary, lethargy, decreased appetite, and so forth), it will also interfere with the process of the growth of such networks in the areas of such. In people with children most will experience growth disorders are serious enough.

7. Complaints based on disease cause.
The characteristics of anemia the last one we discuss together in this article is another complaint that also arise upon the cause of the anemia. The cause of anemia is indeed quite a lot and spacious, for example in the case of anemia caused by chronical diseases like lung infections (tuberculosis) and cancer. Sufferers of anaemia due to both these diseases will certainly complain of other complaints such as coughs long or drastic weight loss for no apparent reason. Unlike the case of anaemia experienced by children caused by intestinal worms, in addition to children's growth disorders usually complained of itching in the anal and the child will be seen protruding though his body thin.

The cause of anemia cases actually indistinguishable from symptoms of anemia patients complained however requires a number of doctors and laboratory examination of blood. For that examination by the doctor and the lab is quite important in the case of anemia. So little information about the characteristics of anemia that often complained of the sufferer, I hope this article was helpful for all of us!

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