
Star Fruit Wuluh On Efficacy For Health

Qnapaya - Star fruit wuluh popular with sour taste (often called star fruit vegetables), but it gives the effect of a refresher on the body. Often used as a food ingredient, as well as for the Queen.

Star fruit wuluh also from former times are often used as ingredients, to menghasilakan the taste of sour naturally.

Star fruit wuluh has tremendous benefits for the health of the body. Fruit acids has the scientific name Averrhoa bilimbi.

Benefits Of Star Fruit Wuluh

1. Lowering Blood Tensi
Symptoms of induced hypertension is not the same on every person, however symptoms of hypertension in general i.e. headache, excessive heart rate feels fast (heart palpitations), soreness on the neck (feels uncomfortable), dizziness and ringing ears.

From the page Kompas.com, belimbing wuluh rods that contain sulfur, saponins, tannins, glucoside, calcium oxalate, and formic acid. As for the leaves contain tannin, sulfur, formic acid, and perokside. His men in particular can be used to decrease blood tensi.

To make herb belimbing wuluh as high blood medications, such as those presented by an expert on medicinal plants, namely Dr. Setiawan Dalimarta. How to make ramuannya:
First of all prepare star fruit wuluh 3 fruit are medium-sized.
Star fruit wuluh fruit washing until clean, then cut up into pieces.
Then boil it with three cups water, simmer until only one glass.
After that wait somewhat cooled water (not too hot) and then the water is filtered.
The herb drink water in the morning (after breakfast).

Other ways to make the herb:

  • First of all prepare star fruit wuluh fruit three, wash clean.
  • Prepare also the seeds of as many as 25 gr srigading, wash clean. 
  • Then the beans mashed until smooth srigading You. 
  • Then enter into the pan containing the four glasses of water. Then poached together star fruit wuluh. 
  • Let time simmer, until the only remaining one glass.
  • After that, wait for the water to cool a bit, then strain the water and drink. Did one time in a day.

As an important note in making this herb, in people with high blood kencingnya water contains oxalic crystals, then it should not consume this herb. It is because of the ingredients that contain oxalic acid.

Likewise in people with hypertension who suffered stomach disorders such as gastritis, then he should do not drink this concoction, because this herb taste sour. As an alternative, you can switch the star fruit wuluh with star fruit is sweet.

2. To Diet
Star fruit wuluh beneficial to help lose weight. This is because a star fruit wuluh have vitamin C and fiber. Both the content has benefit to help streamline your diet.

Vitamin C has a function to increase the body's metabolism. Lancarnya metabolic processes of the body running optimally, meaning it will also burn the fat in the body optimally.

Fiber is also beneficial to help prevent the buildup of fat in the body. Besides fiber as it is known, is beneficial to suppress your appetite, so you can avoid viewing from consuming food in excess.

3. Make the face Glow
You can use belmbing to make the face glow wuluh. If star fruit wuluh then consumed contain antioxidants that are beneficial to provide protection to the skin against free radicals.

Exposure to free radicals in the skin resulting in the occurrence of the damage the skin and trigger the problem of premature aging. Star fruit wuluh contain vitamin C and vitamin A which is beneficial for the health and beauty of the skin.

You can also make a mask star fruit wuluh worthwhile making the face become bright, radiant and smooth.

To make the maskernya, first of all prepare star fruit wuluh fruit 10, make sure everything has been washed using clean water.

After that you puree the star fruit wuluh already purged the ruined (pulverized). So that later can be embedded in the skin.

You can add warm water if too thick. You apply some star fruit wuluh which had been destroyed in the skin of the face. After that, leave on for 10 minutes or more.

In order to obtain maximum benefit, then before applying the mask star fruit wuluh on face, clear face wearing a special SOAP facial cleanser.

As for the most appropriate time to use this mask concoction that is before going to bed.

With the content of flavonoids contained in star fruit wuluh, where flavonoids have antioxidant properties that are useful for repairing of skin cells and maintaining healthy skin.

4. Treat coughs
When the cough disease emerged, resulting in a daily run activity be interrupted. So although the disease coughing is not the kind of serious illness, but due to the merely annoying should still be cured as soon as possible.

This cough disease attacking the vulnerable, especially in children. You can treat a cough naturally, i.e. by using star fruit wuluh.

Materials need to be prepared:

  • 3 fruit star fruit wuluh
  • 200 cc of water
  • Sugar to taste

How To Make Ramuannya:

  • First of all, star fruit wuluh water mix and sugar in one wadaj.
  • The team for 1 hour. 
  • And lift, wait until it cools.
  • Then You strain the star fruit wuluh water using a cloth.
  • Then divide into two, namely in order to drink in the morning and evening. A drink before the meal.

In the recipe above, you could replace the sugar with honey. It's up to you (according to your taste). Drink this concoction regularly to obtain maximum benefits.

5. Treat Diabetes
Star fruit wuluh has great efficacy to address the disease diabetes. Diabetes including type of disease that is quite dangerous, due to the impact of high levels of sugar in the blood.

The cause of the sugar levels in the blood are not controllable (not normal) caused the body to insulin, deficient insulin function substances which are important in controlling the stability of sugar levels in the blood.

Substance insulin produced by the pancreas. When a person is exposed to the substance causing diabetes insulin is reduced significantly, that it means that the pancreas organ was having problems in producing sufficient insulin substances for the body.

The content inside the star fruit wuluh beneficial to diabetics. In star fruit wuluh contained saponins and flavonoids, compounds that are useful to help boost the production of insulin by the pancreas substances, and also beneficial to restore the pancreatic cells that have been damaged.

The condition of diabetes causes the sufferer could not obtain the intake of nutrients and energy sufficient, where diabetics generally frequent fatigue and also feel limp.

The content of tannin substances found in fruit star fruit wuluh nutritious to help lower high blood sugar levels became normal to the stage.

The content of calcium oxalate in star fruit wuluh beneficial to prevent pengeroposan on the bone. Diabetics can be exposed to the risk of complications in the form of pengeroposan disease of the bone, heart attack, kidney failure, obesity and liver disorders.

You can use star fruit wuluh for natural treatment on the disease of diabetes, can in a way be eaten directly, or processed as you wish (taste).

An easy way to manipulate the star fruit wuluh as natural remedies, the steps:

  • First of all prepare star fruit wuluh fruit 6 (select who has to cook).
  • Then the star fruit wuluh washed using clean water flowing.
  • Then You lumatkan all star fruit wuluh, until completely smooth.
  • Then rebuslah using a glass of water.
  • Simmer, until the remaining half a glass of water instead.
  • And lift, and the wait is kinda cool.
  • Then strain the water rebusannya and drink. 

Star fruit wuluh herb drink it twice a day, at morning and evening.

Although the star fruit wuluh nutritious herb for treating diabetes, but there are side effects if consumed too much.

Redundant in consuming the herb star fruit wuluh led to disorders of the stomach, gastritis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. It caused star fruit wuluh have very high acidity levels.

6. Treating Toothache
Star fruit wuluh can You make as a natural treatment to cure a toothache. The incidence of dental disease is generally due to the presence of bacteria that thrive on the perforated teeth.

Star fruit wuluh contain substances that are able to properly fight off bacteria, so both mengobat used for toothache. For its utilization, you can consume the star fruit wuluh when toothache come whack.

Star fruit wuluh helps relieve toothache. Other ways of leveraging star fruit wuluh to treat toothache, that is by the way: first star fruit wuluh mashed until smooth. Then put on a perforated teeth and sore.

7. Remove Panu
Panu is a disease of the skin that results from the mold. This skin disease often attacks the body in the hands, face, neck, shoulders, back and hands.

The content inside the star fruit wuluh functions as an anti-fungal, useful to help eliminate panu little by little.

The incidence of the disease-causing fungus panu this is Candida Albicans. Early symptoms of panu generally i.e. white patches appear on the skin. Panu are contagious, so the yeast can continue to grow and spread to other body fails.

The disease interfere with enough panu as they cause itching-itching, especially when you're sweating.

You can use star fruit wuluh to treat panu, i.e. with memarut star fruit wuluh, then applied to the affected skin panu.

Alternatively, you need to prepare star fruit wuluh and whiting. The combination of star fruit wuluh mix and whiting will become a powerful ingredient to treat panu and mushrooms.

How to make mashed ramuannya: first star fruit wuluh finely and mix together to taste whiting. After that, herb lived You apply on part panu, and then allow it to dry up, a new last rinse using clean water.

To avoid panu, then don't wear tight clothes, avoid too long under direct sunlight, avoid wearing a towel belonging to other people, wear clothes that are able to absorb perspiration, and bathe regularly (three times a day).

8. For health and Beauty Lips
Natural ingredients actually are already widely available to do lip care naturally, one You can use star fruit wuluh for lips. The use of star fruit wuluh for lips is very easy.

First of all prepare star fruit wuluh, then halve and apply to lips evenly. However, in doing this treatment, conditions the lips should not be in a State of chapped.

It is because if you use star fruit wuluh on cracked lips full, even causing the problem lip becah-breaking are getting worse, due to the nature of sour star fruit wuluh is high.

Star fruit wuluh you can take advantage of to Redden the lips naturally. Vitamin C and vitamin A in it were have benefits to help the lips become more red. Take advantage of the star fruit wuluh manner applied topically twice a day.

Compounds in the fruit star fruit wuluh beneficial to stimulate the moisture on her lips, as well as red pigment nourish the lips. This led to the use of star fruit wuluh can make the color of the lips become more red.

Utilization of star fruit wuluh could also be to prevent blackened lips. Star fruit wuluh fruit content in the form of compounds, flavonoids, serves to eliminate the black flecks that attaches on the lips, so that little by little black spots had disappeared.

Star fruit wuluh is also useful to prevent dry lips. Antioxidant compounds found in star fruit wuluh serves to ward off free radicals. Where is the attack of free radicals can be bad on the health of the lips and cause the lips become dry.

Star fruit wuluh can prevent peeling lips and broken. Star fruit wuluh inside content is useful to prevent peeling lips, otherwise it can regenerate the cells on the lips.

9. For Body Skin
Of course people want to have skin that is more clean and bright. There is a natural way to do that is by making use of star fruit wuluh. If consumed, star fruit wuluh contain antioxidants that keep the skin from free radicals, as well as making the skin more youthful.

Nutrition on a star fruit wuluh that include protein, fat, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B1 and several others. Benefits of star fruit wuluh content can help maintain health and brightness of the skin of the body.

The materials need to be prepared to be able to lighten the skin of the body, namely star fruit wuluh to taste and warm water.

How to do this, first star fruit wuluh puree using a blender (can be also with diulek), after that mix with warm water in a container. Kemuduan stir until well blended.

You need to cleanse the body by way of bathing, and use SOAP bath.

Then towel dry your body using a smooth, so that the skin becomes soft and porous skin body open.

Then You apply the Herb last on the whole body, such as just doing a body scrub.

When you are finished applying, then let sit for 15 minutes (until it dries on the skin potions).

After that, rinse the skin until it is clean. Completed.

It is recommended to do this therapy before going to bed, so that the skin can be more relaxed and also will eventually optimize the content of star fruit benefits in maintaining health and brighten the skin overall body.

The content inside the star fruit wuluh worked to lift the dead skin cells, preventing dry skin, dispel the dark colors, and make the skin becomes more smooth, bright and shining.

10. Get rid of acne
Star fruit wuluh inside content is useful to help eliminate stubborn breakouts and mengempeskan. The content of acid substances in the star fruit wuluh give slightly ill effect for active acne.

But with the content of antioxidants in it, was able to help the scrunching and made faint acne on the skin of the face, to be able to get rid of acne.

To make star fruit wuluh herb, then do I take first of three fruit star fruit wuluh fresh. Then wash to clean.

After that the star fruit wuluh shredded and given a little bit of salt. Then paste this herb on skin breakouts. Completed.

Do this natural therapy twice a day.

11. Treat Thrush
Thrush is one of the problems that interfere with enough mouth, due to the effects of pain that appears in the mouth resulting in the eating and drinking become less deliciously.

There are several ways that can be done to cure thrush use star fruit wuluh.

= First way >:
Provide a handful of star fruit wuluh flower, sugar to taste, and a cup of water. Kemuduan enter the trio in a pot, then boil until it became lumpy.

Then strain the decoction, after it is used to clean the mouth. You can also use for smearing on thrush which is in the mouth.

= Second way >:
Prepare star fruit wuluh flowers handheld 2/3 (previously washed to clean), and then rebuslah with 3 cups water, simmer until the water boiled up to only 2 glasses only.

And lift a bit and wait for the cooling. Then strain the water decoction of ampasnya and is divided into three, to drink in the morning, noon and night (three times a day).

= Third way >:
Prepare star fruit wuluh flowers 10, some tamarind, and Palm sugar. Then boil the trio use 3 cups of water.

Let the stew boil water until ¾ left only a part (of the 3 cups water).

Then take the water boiled, and strain the water decoction of ampasnya. Drink this concoction 2 times in a day.

So the stew out of the water, you drink half his share, and save half of it again to be drunk in the afternoon or evening.

Use star fruit wuluh to resolve thrush can indeed heal, but it feels quite painful if thrush is with star fruit wuluh. It seems that if you want to get rid of canker sores quickly, need to withstand the pain of treatment effects.

12. Remedy Rheumatism
Rheumatic diseases invade various organs and tissues of the body such as bone, muscle, joints, even blood. Rheumatic diseases cause a condition that is very disturbing for everyday activities.

It is caused when rheumatic fever recurrence then gestures become very distracted, in addition to the jug of the existence of the pain appears.

The emergence of rheumatic inflammatory factors or because it can weight overload. In order to treat rheumatism, you can also take advantage of star fruit wuluh. Here's how:

  • First of all take a handful of leaves of star fruit wuluh, then washed to clean.
  • Then the star fruit wuluh mashed until smooth, and add whiting. Both are mixed.
  • After that rub on the painful parts of the body.

How to :

  • First of all prepare a 100 gr. of young leaves of star fruit wuluh, 10 seeds and cloves, and pepper seeds 15 a washed then ground until smooth.
  • Then Combine everything in one container with vinegar, then add to it. Mix everything until it forms a dough like.
  • After you apply the herb on body parts that hurt.

13. Bleeding Gums
That to cope with bleeding gums could be with star fruit wuluh fruit consumed fresh or manisannya, do every day.

It is advisable to eat star fruit wuluh fruit in two a day. This is useful help to cope with the problem of bleeding gums.

14. Compress Gondongan Pain
To do this, set up a half star fruit wuluh Leafs handheld and three cloves of garlic. How to make a ramuannya, star fruit wuluh leaves mashed first along with garlic. Then kompreskan on the affected part gondongan.

15. Overcoming Sore rheumatic pain
Star fruit wuluh leaves you can make sore natural remedy for rheumatic pain. To which often feel pain or sore is due to weigh in daily work, then get over it with the help of star fruit wuluh leaves.

To treat sore rheumatic pain, here's how:

  • First of all prepare a handful of star fruit wuluh leaves young
  • Prepare pepper seeds 15 also, 10 seeds and cloves and vinegar to taste. 
  • Then, all the ingredients are incorporated.
  • Then crushed along with vinegar. 
  • After that, the balurkan on the part of the body feels pain.

16. As a natural remedy
star fruit wuluh fruit mentioned that having the benefit as a natural remedy. This is described by a herbalist, namely Dr. Setiawan Dalimarta.

Dr. Setiawan explained that the chemical properties and pharmacological effects on the star fruit wuluh be a sour taste and cool. It was rewarding to help relieve pain, overcoming inflammation, bile, and multiply the expenditure of deciduous pee.

17. Other benefits
One more interesting benefits of star fruit wuluh, besides can be useful as a natural remedy, star fruit wuluh also you can use to drive away the rust on iron and steel.

So it is not surprising that in the past the retainer and relatives in Cirebon, Yogyakarta and Solo with star fruit wuluh to wash gaman (sharp weapon). Whether it be the keris, sword, spear, cundrik, and others. With the aim of not easily affected by rust

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